Roll with It
Roll with It
Roll your shoulders forward for a count of 10 and back for 10. Swim shoulders back for 10 and forward for 10. Your goal is trying to get full range of movement with your shoulders. Notice any areas that you don't move fluidly, and try to open them up by relaxing as you move your hands in full circles. Between sets, get in the habit of rolling your shoulders five times forward and five times back.
Chest & arms

Chest & arms

The Chest Cross
Strengthens chest and shoulders: Cross your arms in front of your chest in a series of quick horizontal motions.. Do it with both hands face up, then face down. Next move your hands rapidly up and down. Then twist your arms back and forth like you have tennis balls in your hands. Try to do each of these variations 25 times.
The Clapper
Stretches chest: In a standing position and keeping your chest up, clap in front of you; then bring your hands behind your back and clap your hands together. Keep your hands as high as you can during the movement. Do 10 times.
Push-Up Pride
Strengthens chest: Get in the appropriate "up" push-up position for you by either staying on your toes or keeping your knees on the ground. Lower yourself until your chest nearly touches the ground and push back up. As you straighten your elbows, push your spine towards the ceiling (to help engage your back muscles). Keep a long, solid body. Pull your heels away from your shoulders, keeping a long, solid body. Don't let your stomach hang down toward the ground, because that will cause unnecessary tension on your lower back. Instead, keep your stomach tight to strengthen your belly muscles. If your lower back starts to hurt, raise your butt slightly. Keeping your chin slightly up, look 6 inches past your fingertips. This forces you to use your chest and not overextend your neck while doing push-ups. Do as many push-ups as you can (this is called exercising to failure, and it's what helps build strength proteins in your muscle). If these are too hard, just hold your chest off the ground without moving. Or you can do a pyramid push-up routine: Do 5 push-ups, then hold in the up position for 5 seconds. Then do 4 and hold for 4 in the up position, all the way down to 1.
Meet You at the Corner
Stretches chest and arms: Face a corner of a room and stretch your arms to the side in line with your shoulders with elbows at right angles. Put pressure on your arms to stretch your chest by leaning into the wall for 20 seconds. Keep your chin up and face directly into the corner.
Hips & hamstrings
Hips & hamstrings
The Hippie
Stretches hips and hamstrings: With your feet flat on the ground, bend forward at your waist. Alternate bending one knee and keeping the other leg straight (but still keeping feet flat), and let your head dangle down, releasing all your tension. Stretch each side for 15 seconds.
Steady on the Plank
Strengthens abs and shoulders: Get into a push-up position with your elbows and toes on the floor, while pushing the area between your shoulders towards ceiling and keeping your stomach pulled in towards lower back, to support it. Keep your buttocks tight and your eyes looking at the floor (ignore the fact that you suddenly realize you have to vacuum). Hold the position for as long as you can. If you can last more than 1 minute, make it more difficult by dropping your chin 20 times out in front of interweaved hands, or by trying to balance on one foot.
Whose Side Are You on, Anyway?
Strengthens obliques (the muscles at the side of your abdominals): Turn to the side by putting an elbow on the floor and rotating the opposite hip toward the ceiling. Keep your body in a straight line and resist pushing your butt back. Keep your abs tight as you hold the position for as long as you can. Alternate sides. If you can hold for more than 1 minute, you can increase difficulty by repeatedly dropping your hip, tapping it on the mat and bringing it back into the lateral plank.
Up, Dog, Up
Stretches abdominals and obliques: From a down push-up position, with your hands below your shoulders, lift your chest and torso up into the air so your upper body is nearly perpendicular to the floor as you come onto the tops of your bare feet. Lean backwards to stretch your abdominals, but keep your butt relaxed. Hold for 10 seconds, then look over your right shoulder for 10, then your left shoulder for 10, then back to center.
Leg Drop
Strengthens entire abdominal areas: Lie on your back and put your knees at a 90-degree angle and your feet in the air. Drop your heels down, tap the mat, and bring back up to 90-degrees. Do as many as you can (to failure). Advanced: Do it with straight legs.
X Crunch
Strengthens upper abdominals: Lie on your back with your feet on the ground and knees at a 45-degree angle. Cross your arms behind your head, putting your opposite hand to opposite shoulder forming an x behind your head. Rest your head in this x and keep your neck loose (in the beginning, you can put a tennis ball under your chin as a reminder). Using your abdominal muscles, crunch up about 30 degrees from the floor. Without holding your breath, you need to suck in your belly button to the floor to tighten the natural girdle you have (it's a muscle called the transverse abdominis) to keep the entire 6-pack tight. Also pull up your pelvis muscles (like when you are holding in your pee) to strengthen the bottom of the natural girdle. Do as many as you can. Stretch your abdominals afterward (see Up Dog Up).
(for more steps and to see the figure picture, click:
(for more steps and to see the figure picture, click:
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